Searching a List

Use the Search menu of the Translate Table editor to find and replace specific words in a word list.

Finding a Word

Use the following steps to find a specific word within a word list.

Step 1

The first step is to make the list you wish to search the active list:

Select the list name from the LISTS task bar along the left side of the translate table editor to make that list the active list.

Step 2

The second step will be to either press the key sequence Ctrl+F or to select the Find menu item from the Search menu at the top of the translate table editor:

This will cause the Find dialog box to appear:

The Find dialog box offers the following options:



Find what

Enter a search string.

Match case

Differentiates uppercase from lowercase when performing a search.

Match whole word only

Searches for words only. (With this option off, the search string might be found within longer words.)


From the current position to the beginning of the active list.


From the current position to the end of the active list. Down is the default.

Step 3

The third step is to select the options you would like enabled and to enter the search string into the edit box provided:

Click the Find Next button and the search string will be attempted to be located. If the search string is located it will be highlighted within the list. If it is not located you will receive a message indicating this is the case.

The Find dialog box remains open until you push the Cancel button. If after you have closed the Find dialog box, you would like to repeat the same search again, either press the F3 short-cut key or select Search Again from the Search menu at the top of the translate table editor.

Replacing a Word

Use the following steps to locate and replace a specific word within a word list.

Step 1

The first step is to make the list you wish to search the active list:

Select the list name from the LISTS task bar along the left side of the translate table editor to make that list the active list.

Step 2

The second step will be to either press the key sequence Ctrl+R or to select the Replace menu item from the Search menu at the top of the translate table editor:

This will cause the Replace dialog box to appear:

The Replace dialog box offers the following options:



Find what

Enter a search string.

Replace with

Enter the replacement string.

Match case

Differentiates uppercase from lowercase when performing a search.

Match whole word only

Searches for words only. (With this option off, the search string might be found within longer words.)


From the current position to the beginning of the active list.


From the current position to the end of the active list. Down is the default.

Find Next

Locates the search string, but doesn't replace.


Click Replace to replace only the first occurrence of the search string with the replacement string.

Replace All

Click Replace all to replace every occurrence of the search string. The Confirm dialog box appears on each occurrence of the search string.


Click Cancel to close this dialog box without making any changes.

Step 3

The third step is to select the options you would like enabled and to enter the search and replacement strings into their corresponding edit boxes:

Click the Find Next button and the search string will be attempted to be located. If the search string is located it will be highlighted within the list. If it is not located you will receive a message indicating this is the case. Click the Replace button to replace the first occurence of the search string with the replacement string. Click the Replace All button to replace all occurences of the search string with the replacement string.

The Replace dialog box remains open until you push the Cancel button. If after you have closed the Replace dialog box, you would like to repeat the same search again, either press the F3 short-cut key or select Search Again from the Search menu at the top of the translate table editor.

Editing a Translate Table

Saving a File