Add Local File Dialog

Select the Add Local File To Project task under the FILE TASKS task bar in the Project Manager to load an existing SLICCWARE file that resides on the local file system to the current project.

You can open multiple files into one project, but you can only have one project open at a time.

If the file exists in the project already and is closed, it will be re-opened. If the file exists in the project already and is already open nothing will change.



Look In

Lists the current directory. Use the drop down list to select a different drive or directory.


Displays the files in the current directory that match the wildcards in File Name or the file type in Files Of Type. You can display a list of files (default) or you can show details for each file.

File Name

Enter the name of the file you want to load or type wildcards to use as filters in the Files list box.

Files of Type

Choose the type of file you want to open. All files in the current directory of the selected type appear in the Files list box.

Up One Level

Click this button to move up one directory level from the current directory.

Create New Folder

Click this button to create a new subdirectory in the current directory.


Click this button to view a list of files and directories in the current directory.


Click this button to view a list of files and directories along with time stamp, size, and attribute information.